Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Episode 59

Clara e Marina 59 (English Subtitle) por claraemarina


At home, Clara talks to her family about Naples and pizza.

The Cultural Shed, Marina takes pictures of the inauguration. Cadu and Clara chat with Felipe and Silvia about the future wedding of the doctor. Sivia question about the health of Cadu. He says he is increasingly tired and shows concern. Silvia asks him to go to the office as soon as possible. Clara, Marina, Ivan and Vanessa are in the Bistro and the housewife asks Cadu serve them. Cadu accepts but provokes Marina saying he doesn't need the photographer's approval and opinion about his food. Clara is embarrassed. Marina asks Ivan if he wants to learn something in Shed. He says he wants to learn to play drums. Marina says she thinks very cool and Clara says it is the loudest instrument. Marina goes on to say that if the kid wants, she can create a child class to teach photography. Ivan gets excited and accepts the invitation. Marina shows her camera and Cadu orders the boy to drop the object not to break. Cadu takes the momento and asks if Clara showed the ring to girls. Clara is completely embarrassed. Marina is disappointed and Cadu says: "We're betting again in love. We usually say that we are like a Bamboo... we bow, but we don't break." Marina congratulates them and says it was a choice of very good taste.

In studio, Marina speaks with some models and says that the work helps to improve mood. At another point, Vanessa tells Marina that her father arrived and it will be good to clarify things.

When find her father, Marina says she miss him. Marina invites him to stay at her house, but Diogo says he prefers to stay in a hotel because he has business in the city.

Cadu talks about his physical wear and Silvia proposes to adjust the medication. Clara is considering the possibility of surgery, but Silvia says that, at the moment, he needs only remedies. The doctor says that if the drugs do not work, he would need a transplante. Clara tries to cheer him and the two go out for a walk on the beach.

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