# Giovanna Antonelli says Clara's clothes from 'Em Familia', are hers #
[Original text in: http://www.purepeople.com.br/noticia/giovanna-antonelli-diz-que-roupas-de-clara-de-em-familia-sao-suas_a20567/1]
Giovanna Antonelli usually surrender body and soul to her characters. But what many don't know is that besides decorating the texts and study the entire universe of characters, Giovanna lends clothes to them. In " Video Show" (Brazilian entertainment program about local TV) this Monday (19) the actress told that famous clothes used by Clara in the soap opera"Em Familia" were actually removed from her closet.
"I love composing and give a guess," the actress said about the pieces that leads to the scene and that are part of the most sought after by viewers in the call center of the TV Globo items .
Giovanna also said that often exchanges information with Paula Carneiro, the costume designer. "She sends me message at daybreak to tell me about a costume she is seeing on TV. It's for I to watch too. I ask what is the channel to know."
"The problem of taking my clothes to the soap opera is that when I go out dressed like that in the street, everybody will say: 'Hey, look Giovanna dressed of Clara" the actress joked.
Besides clothing, accessories like earrings, smartphone's cover and even the enamel used by actress scenes are quite sought after by viewers.
# In social networks, fans of romance between Clara and Marina are mobilized so that it ceases to be a platonic #
[Otiginal text in: http://extra.globo.com/tv-e-lazer/em-familia-nas-redes-sociais-fas-do-romance-entre-clara-marina-se-mobilizam-para-que-ele-deixe-de-ser-platonico-12274920.html]
Translation of the title of the newspaper report: Cheering by #Clarina
The "Clarinatics", members of a fandom who spend the day shipping the expression "Clarina", are undermining the social networks. Get it? Not? First things first: the relationship of Clara (Giovanna Antonelli) and Marina (Taina Müller), in the soap opera "Em Familia" stirred the public so that the fans to see them together created the term Clarina; therefore, who integrates this team is "Clarinatic". Shipping is the practice of give support for a couple. And fandom is the virtual fan club. And this class "shipping" so much that their daily themes are among the most commented subjects on Twitter.
- For we who live in a prejudiced country like Brazil, they (Clara and Marina) are there in the soap opera, are representing the people, fighting for freedom, who wants to see them having a relationship like that of a normal couple - said Jessica Silva, 24, one of the administrators of Clarina community on Facebook and Twitter, which is also hosting a virtual petition: - the idea is to get them to have a happy ending in the soap opera.
Interpreting Marina, Taina Muller celebrates a chance to stage a real drama.
- I think every actor likes to know that, somehow, we are representing people who actually exist. And love is love, regardless of who is relating - notes the actress.
But news that Clara will tell Marina that can not be separated Cadu (Reynaldo Gianecchini) angered so much "Th Clarinatics" and a possible boycott of the plot was proposed in social networks. Only it does not have the approval of all. This effect as passionate impresses the author Manoel Carlos .
- I'm glad to know this mobilization. The novel fulfills one of its most important goals: to be inserted into the daily lives of people messing with the sensitivity of everyone and make them discuss issues presented in fiction. I didn't define the end of the novel, but I'll try to hit every endeavor - he promises.
Reynaldo Gianecchini, heartthrob that for the first time disputes his pair with a woman, sees distinct twisted in the streets and on the internet.
- In social networks, people twist over the Marina. Are younger, more modern, maybe. Men also seem more enthralled with the romance between two beautiful women like them. But more traditional people support Cadu, the marriage - says the actor.
# "I have not recorded yet," says Taina Muller about kiss between Clara and Marina #
[Original text in:
The scene was between Clara and Marina. Marina would travel, and the farewell between the two women finished with a sly kiss on the cheek.
Fans of the couple "Clarina" made the hashtag #MarinaBeijaClara (meaning #MarinakissesClara) that figured in the list of most talked about topics on Twitter in Brazil.
On internet, the one comment was: when the kiss between the two characters would happen? Many say they can roll this Friday (18), but this was dismissed by actress Taina Müller in an interview for the newspaper "O Globo": "I'm not yet recorded the kiss with Giovanna." The suspense about the kiss is one of the weapons to keep the audience.
# Fans interview Giovanna Antonelli #
[Original text in: http://extra.globo.com/tv-e-lazer/giovanna-antonelli-de-em-familia-fala-sobre-triangulo-de-clara-cadu-marina-amo-torcida-dividida-12173019.html]
In the soap opera "Em Familia" Giovanna Antonelli faces a dilemma in the skin of Clara: continue the marriage routine that built with Cadu (Reynaldo Gianecchini) or get carried away by the feeling she has for Marina (Taina Muller), embarking on an affair?
In this "Você entrevista" (You interview), the actress did not declares her wick, but ensures that enjoys his impact on the social networks and talks unabashedly about a possible gay kiss.
Q: Giovanna, I see only positive comments about the plot involving Clara in the novel. What are you thinking about the approval of character? (Juliana Mesquita)
A: Delicious! Clara is a different character in my career, one more chance to bring the new, lapidary me, test me. Every role is a challenge. I do for the public that both honors me and gives me love.
Q: Were you surprised by the support that the couple Clarina (union of Clara and Marina) are getting on the social networks? (Laura Flores)
A: The opinions are diverse. I love divided opinions! I am very active on social networks and love keeping in touch with fans. I love the affection of all of you.
Q: Of all the roles you've played, with which you most identify? (Jonas Rassen)
A: I herd many special characters in my career. Therefore, I could not identify with just one. It would be unfair.
Q: The public still speaks much of delegated 'Helo', in "Salve Jorge" to you? What do you think? I love you, I am a big fan! (Laura Heloise)
A: I think cool! It is the recognition of good work. Loved doing this novel. I loved playig 'Helo'. Very much so! I had great partners of scene.
Q: I'm your fan and I watch you from Canada! What is the biggest challenge to playing Clara? (Anne Charles)
A: As I said above, every character is a challenge. Clara is a light, and cheerful woman who loves life. The big challenge will be to tell this story of love that she is slowly discovering. The cool thing is that she loves two people. Of different sexes. This is a superquestion. A division very interesting for the character.
Q: If the romance between Clara and Marina really engaging, when and how you think that would be ideal for a kiss between the characters? (Marina Figueiredo)
A: If we can get to the kiss, it means that we gotten tell our story and the people believed it. If there is the scene, the big challenge will be to convey what was created by the author.
Q: How are you in family? (Roberto Rodrigues)
A: I thank God every day for my health, for my family, for my friends and children (Peter, age 8, and twins Antonia and Sophia, 3). I daily desire for a better world for us all. Less unjust, less cruel.
Q: If Clara flagrasse Cadu and Silvia kissing, how do you think she would react? Clara could feels relieved somehow or would envy? (Marcus Talba)
A: I think she'd be too afraid of losing Cadu. Even loving Marina.
Q: Gio, I can not decide between Cadu and Marina. Who do you prefer that Clara stays with at the end of the novel? (Isabela Freitas)
A: What does the author decide, I'll be happy. But the voice of the people is the voice of God! Your wick worth a lot of!
Q: If Clara drops out Cadu and his disease goes much worse, how do you think she will feel? (Lucas Henrique)
A: This decision is the author, I have no way to reply.
# "No one is free to find a soul of the same sex" says Antonelli #
[Original text in: http://televisao.uol.com.br/noticias/redacao/2014/04/10/ninguem-esta-livre-de-encontrar-uma-alma-do-mesmo-sexo-diz-antonelli.htm]
Interpreting Clara, in "Em Familia," Giovanna Antonelli said to believe that there are many women who go through the same dilemma of her character in soap opera . In the story of Manoel Carlos, Clara is married to Cadu, played by Reynaldo Gianecchini , but falls in love with Marina, a photographer played by Taina Müller. During the program "Video Show" in this thursday (04.10.2014), Zeca Camargo interviewed Giovanna and Taina and questioned whether they could be asserted that Clara and Marina now form a couple in the plot.
"We're well on the way. It's Not easy. Should happen to many people. It's a meeting of souls. Nobody is free to find a soul of the same sex" Antonelli said. Asked if it will be difficult for Clara to end the relationship with Cadu, Antonelli said yes and explained why. "It's not only by love, but the friendship that we have for a person that we have a relationship," she argued.
Taina explained that, at this time, Marina works as an observer in the relationship. "With the Cadu's disease, Marina poses as a companion of Clara" she explained. They reported that they have been following the good effect of the relationship between Clara and Marina in social networks, which became "Clarina", a name that combines the initials of Clara and the last letters of Marina.
"I'm very participative in social networking. Whenever I watch with my fans." Antonelli saud, complemented by Taina "There are people that follows in Russia. I'm not talking about Brazilians living in Russia. They're even Russian!"
# Another joke #
[Translated version from: http://botecoclarina.blogspot.com.br/search/label/Enquanto%20isso%20nas%20Redes%20Sociais]

# Authorized kiss #
[Original text in: http://www.voceaki.com/taina-muller-fala-sobre-possivel-cena-de-beijo-em-familia-%E2%80%8F/]
The actress Taina Muller, who plays the role of Marina in the novel 'Em Familia', presented by Globo network television, is highlighting herself more each passing day, plus she is letting fans of the novel with curiosity about the possible romance with actress Giovanna Antonelli .
In an interview with a program of celebrity actress revealed that he is really enjoying her character , because she did not believe it would draw so much attention, viewers of all ages, with respect to future romance in the novel, which will entitled to kisses between her and actress Giovanna. "I 'm in favor of love, love must prevail, and I will always be in favor of independent love what it is." Taina stressed .
Speaking about a possible invitation to pose nude for a magazine, she commented that currently she is working a lot, and she is dedicated to her role in the novel and because those circumstances it would not accept any invitation, and that until then she had never wondered something like this .
According to information from the 'Jornal da Noite', the actresses Giovanna Antonelli and Taina Müller will actually kiss in the novel 'Em Familia', in the Globo TV network. The author Manoel Carlos has not written the scene, but the broadcaster has already authorized and the actresses were informed . According to column 'Retratos da Vida', the newspaper Extra, the scene is set to air after chapter 50, when the romance between the two will engage.
# Confirmed kiss #
Translation of picture: "Clara and Marina finally exchange passionate kiss"# A small joke that I found on the internet #
credits in the image
# WeWantClarinaKiss
Hello to all. Who speaks to you is Jutibette.
I would like to invite you to join in (and protest) campaign to comb the kiss between Clara and Marina.
Globo broadcaster is valuing too much the issue of gay kissing and making the story Clarina tiring. I invite you to exert pressure through the publication of hashtags:
- # QueremosBeijoClaraeMarina
- # WeWantClarinaKiss
I know it may not seem like much, but it's one of the ways we have to be heard.
Thank you for your contribution in advance.
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