Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Episode 60

In your bed, Cadu says that the word " transplant " does not scare him and he has chances to live much better than it is now. Clara says she is happy to hear those words and everything will be fine.

In the studio, Vanessa tells Marina that newspaper reports talk about the belongings and properties of Diogo. Marina is worried about losing his studio and home, but says she feels better not to be so famous at this time. Clara tries to reassure her. The assistents are kidding about Marina has lost everything because of genetic. Marina says "Tell Diogo when he gets here" and Vanessa gets serious. Marina asks if lunch is organized and Vanessa says yes.

Diogo arrives excited and happy to be surrounded by women. He says he doesn't lose the opportunity to be with his daughter and dive into the pool. Diogo greets the girls, because we already know them well. Marina calls her father's attention and presents Clara. Diogo says "Gorgeous! Exactly as you told me ." Marina opens a huge smile and hugs Clara. Vanessa can not keep the rancor and says: "How? Did you ever talked to your father about Clara?" And Marina asks : "Why? Do you have something against it?" and Vanessa replied indignantly: "You took months to talk about us for him and Clara has not yet been effected. Diogo ignores dialogue and distributes gifts to all. Marina shows her father the reforms made in the studio .

Clara takes the opportunity to speak with Vanessa.

- "He is very charming" Clara says .
- "Wow. The person only needs to be charming and conquers you, huh?" Vanessa provokes.
- "No.  I'm not fragile.  If I was fragile, your tongue snake would have scared me and I would've gone before. I'm gone, I'll see my husband," said Clara.
- "Ooops! I did be dumped, folks!" Vanessa says

In the pool, Diogo tells Marina that her smile is worth everything. Marina says she does not know how he can be so relaxed . Diogo says " Who sufferers before necessary, suffers more than is necessary." Marina smiles and says "If all else fails, you can teach self-help."

During lunch Diogo says he realized that his daughter is sad. Vanessa explains the situation by saying that Marina suffers for love. Marina says "If I knew that my love life would be the center of attention, I would have dressed the character." And Vanessa answered "Why if I prefer you so, almost naked."

At the Bistro, Clara complains because Cadu is working too hard. Clara talk about the suffering of Marina and says she needs support. Cadu says " I also need support. I have priority." Clara agrees.

In conversation with his father, Marina asks her if she is in danger of losing her home and studio. He says yes, but tries to reassure her.

In the bistro, Luiza tells Clara that it is very difficult to stop a love that is born. They talk about Luiza and Laerte.

Clara talks to his brother (Felipe) about the health status of Cadu and the possibility of transplantation.

Marina finds stranger to entering the studio and see everything by candlelight until she sees a tidy desk in the center of the space . Vanessa says she prepared a special night. Marina thanks the surprise: "You knows please me. Do you know what this all reminded me? The first dinner you made for me years ago. I don't forget the menu until today. It made my mouth water!".

Later, Marina says Vanessa helped her to relax and says she don't wanna to talk about the problems. Vanessa says: "You know I'd do anything to see you happy Let's going up?" and tries to kiss Marina. Marina can interrupt and says: "Vanessa , I'm sorry, but I do not want to hurt you. You're wonderful, I wish you all the good in the world, but you know whom my heart Shall belong."

- "How long will you insist on it?" Vanessa says
- "I like to take Clara off my life. I would go with you to the room and have a peaceful night. But it's stronger than me." says Marina
- "This is killing you. What is this weakness? You were never like this. I'm not holding on. I'm tired of this." Vanessa says and leaves.

Marina calls Clara which is concerned with the call.

- "Marina, did something happen?"
- "No, I just missed you."
- "Sorry, I'm so worried. How was lunch with your dad?"
- "It was hard."

The two talk about the health of Cadu when he enters and Clara ends the call. Cadu says he is tired and Ivan asks if he wants a massage.

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