Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Episode 58

Clara e Marina 58 (English Subtitle) por claraemarina


Marina talks to her father on the phone. She is concerned about reports in the newspapers and asks her father if the charges are true. The photographer is knowing that your assets can be seized. The assistants are curious, but Marina does not give information about the content of the conversation and leaves devastated. Clara takes the initiative and says he will talk to Marina. Outside, on the pool side, Marina is sad and Clara tries animates her saying that everything will be fine and says : "I have few certainties in life, but one thing is fact: Tears don't suit you" This brings a smile to the face of the photographer. Marina says " It's easy to be strong when you have a fortress to protect you" Marina continues wailing in fear of losing everything she own. Clara says that if she does, she will be able to overcome, because it is a strong, hardworking and talented woman. Marina says that she need inspiration to work. Clara smiled and said "You taught me that art has to be disturbing. So enjoy this bad time and make something good of it." Marina rejoices and says she likes the Clara's optimism.

inside the studio, Marina continues trying to understand the whole situation. Clara says Marina to take it easy and wait for the detailed explanations of her father. Marina says she knows his father very well and the situation is very bad. Clara says she needs to get Ivan in a friend's house. Marina says "It's a shame, I need your calm so much." Clara smiles and says it's the first time she hears these words and complete "I could stand here holding your hand until you sleep" But then, she mentions Cadu and says she needs to take care of Ivan. Clara says "Don't forget that my thoughts are with you, always. I'm on your side." The two embrace, but Vanessa interrupts the affection saying that she will prepare a salts bath to Marina and says that Clara should really going because Ivan may be traumatized by abandonment. Clara wastes no time and says " You must have spent a lot so it is not Vanessa? Poor thing" and leaves the studio.

In the bathroom, Vanessa prepares the bath and Marina talks about the possibility of losing all the money and his father go to prison. Vanessa says they have faced many storms. Right now Vanessa suggests Marina should dismiss the assistants. Marina says "no" immediately. She says she will not dismiss the girls and says than even lara said she would work for free. Vanessa didn't like the answer. Marina defends Clara and Vanessa leaves the bathroom.

Later, all is celebrating the arrival of a new job, bringing more money.

Clara accompanies Cadu to the doctor and hears that he needs to follow the diet and take medicine with commitment.

In bed, Clara talks about the happiness of Ivan seeing his parents as well. Cadu says he realized this and it will never be separated from it. He turns and grabs a box. Clara opens and sees a ring. Cadu says he wants to renew their wedding vows. He asks "Do you marry me again and be my wife forever?" Clara does not respond and embracing her husband.

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