Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Episode 57

Clara e Marina 57 (English Subtitle) por claraemarina


Cadu and Clara is talking about dinner in Juliana's house. They disapprove of the attitude of Clara's aunt and agree that Nando should not know about what happened. Clara says that Nando has always been a sensible man and, now, Juliana wants something exciting in your life. Cadu says he misses the fase of marriage when everything is just love. Clara tries to seduce her husband. Nando arrives in a bad mood. 

The next day, early, Clara goes in search of Marina and enters his room silently. Clara busted Marina and Vanessa sleeping embraced and gets jealous. The two wake up, but do not open your eyes. Marina says "Oh, I wanted to sleep a little longer, but we have to get up in 1 ... 2 ...." and Clara completes the phrase "... 3". Marina and Vanessa open the frightened eyes. Marina says "How good is wake up and see you here Clarinha" and Vanessa replied "Only if it is good for you because I hated it." After realizing what she said, Vanesse continues "Just kidding, Clarinha. I just do not like being watched while I'm sleeping." Clara promptly responds "I was not looking at you. I was looking at Marina." Marina laughs and mocks Vanessa who goes out angry. Clara seizes the moment alone with the beloved and asks, "you two is back?" Marina is pleased with the show of jealousy, but says "No, we're just friends. Exists love and friendship, but what I feel for her is only friendship." 

Flavinha afflicted enters and says "Marina, I saw on the internet report news about his father. He is accused of crimes such as tax evasion and embezzlement of public funds.". 

In another moment Marina watches the news about her father and gets worried. She claims that if the allegations are true, everyone will go to the hole. Clara tries to calm her down and asks her to call her father. Vanessa brings tablets for headache.

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