Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Episode 56

Clara e Marina 56 (English Subtitle) por claraemarina


Jealous, Clara interrupts the conversation between Vanessa and Marina. She says Flavinha has a problem with the photos and Marina hasty exits. Vanessa takes the moment alone with Clara and asks "Do not you think that Marina is pretty?". Clara replies that Marina has always been beautiful. Vanessa says "I'm beginning to believe that you're really passionate." Clara pretends not to understand the question, but Vanessa scolds her and says "You got me, yes." Vanessa continues and tells Clara that she should be careful because an unrequited love could end badly. Clara asks Vanessa to be direct and Vanessa answered: "You're jealous. And I do not believe in love indifferent" Clara replies "I do not think like you." Vanessa says "If I think so, you can to think how I suffer loving Marina like I love her." Clara promptly responds "I do not think of you when I think of her."

Vanessa don't give up: "Marina may seem to belong to you now, but it seems to belong to everyone. Actually it does not belong to anyone." Clara says " Thanks for the tip, but I'm not still cut my wrists. Ahhhhhh! Such a crazy!" and comes out laughing.

At another point, Marina and Vanessa are taking pictures of the Cultural Shed. Clara is talking to Cadu and tries to convince her husband to go out to dinner with his aunt. Cadu says he is a friend of Nando (Juliana's ex husband), but Clara manages to convince him . Nando appears and does not like the situation.

Marina ends at photo shoot rapidly and Vanessa asks her to go to the movies. Marina invites Clara, but the housewife says she can not because she will dine with her aunt. Marina and Vanessa leave the shed and Clare gets jealous. Cadu takes the opportunityand asks, "Is there something between them?" Clara ignores the question and leaves.

During dinner the atmosphere is not nice. Juliana and Jairo discuss, but soon they get good and have sex. Clara listens and starts laughing. Cadu not like the situation and takes his wife home.

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