Monday, June 16, 2014

Spoiler 129: Over again? Vanessa will lay in bed of Marina and they almost kiss each other

In the next chapters of "Em Familia" Clara will separate of Cadu and plunge once all in the romance with Marina. Meanwhile, the photographer will have almost a relapse with her ex-girlfriend, Vanessa, which will come under her sheets and tries to kiss her, begging for a second chance with the photographer. The scene, in an atmosphere of great intimacy, will culminating in an embrace with the bonded faces and lips very close.

Everything starts when Marina is lying in bed, almost asleep. Vanessa slowly enter the room and lie down in bed with the photographer who will be surprised.

 - Do you wanna to give me a heart attack! - Marina says.

- I want to warm your heart! I'm so homesick ...

 - You keep fighting me! - Tells the photographer about the physical fight that both had because of Clara, falling on the floor oh the studio.

- Fight for love!

- Flavinha happen to know about that? That you came keep yourself warm in my bed, under my sheets, because you're homesick? - Says Marina.

- I don't have to give satisfaction to Flavinha. We don't have anything serious.

- Not what you two look like.

- You know I drop everything if I had another chance with you.

- Van, we've talked about it so much. Why do you insist? You know I like Clara, that I'm trying to be happy with her.

- I know. And this drives me to despair. I see the emotional investment you make in this relationship. I see no future for you two. You're from very different worlds.

- Not exactly the opposite? We should not be complementary in a relationship? What good would if I were just like her or she like me?

Vanessa then continues to argue against the relationship of Clara and Marina:

- Do you have already put in the balance how many you'll have to make changes in your life because of her life? The investment is uneven. She has a home, a son, an ex-husband ... You'll always be more available to her than her to you.

Vanessa then says that she feels insecure and unhappy.

- When you make me an affection - even with the look - I'm happy. And I like when you fight with me, as another day when we roll on the ground.

Vanessa then will tell a long story about an unrequited love that her mother had for a neighbor. Very sad, she will say:

- Why do you fell in love with Clara? What does she has that I don't have?

With this, the assistant embraces Marina and the two will find themselves involved in mood for intimacy.

[Original text in:]

Related posts:

  • Spoiler # 63 # Clara surrenders to the affection of Marina and asks her to stay away from Cadu # [Original text in:… more information
  • Spoiler # 56 # Marina threats Vanessa. 'I turn away from you. From Clara never!' # [Original text in:] The fact th… more information
  • Spoiler # 37 # Tension! Clara faces Vanessa jealous of the Marina with rival # [Expected to be broadcast on April 23] [Original text in:… more information
  • Spoiler # 65 # Vanessa provokes Marina and suggests she wants a love triangle # [Original text in:… more information
  • Spoiler # 52 # Juliana tells Clara betray Cadu with Marina : 'Throw everything up in the air! Worth it!' # [Original text in:… more information

6 comentários :

Unknown said...

After seen clara e marina 100, actually I m really disappointed because nothing special between clarina ( where have they gone all the gorgeous spoilers such as : both of them hand in hand going to cinema, picnic together etc ).

But this spoiler make me more desperate ! I would like to know the author want to ship these two more than clara to marina? Why these 2 have more intimate scene than clarina?

Unknown said...

This Vanessa chick...just thirsty & desperate. So sad. Crawling in the bed is the ultimate move of desperation.

Anonymous said...

Sadly I'm not feeling the love.. Did feeling it, now it seems to be withering

HoustonQueen10 said...

Oh so Globo can have crazy Van thirsty for passion and she is desperately wanting pathetic the writing..To come so close to making Clarina a couple and now this garbage with annoying Vanessa.I so hope Marina hold on for Clara and get rid of Vanessa

HoustonQueen10 said...

I am holding on to the fact that Marina and Clara will kiss.It will just be at the end of the show.I agree Bombay sapphire they are not fair with Clarina..And Vanessa should not even be mention with her wanting Marina back is truly a turn off.Come on GLOBO we want to see Clarina love not Marina going backwards to whinny,rude,selfish Vanessa..Give Clarina their just ly due airtime

Unknown said...

Hi...HoustonQueen 10, so glad to read your comments here. I always read you gals commented at DM but my English so poor that's why I never join you all.

Greetings from Indonesia :)