Monday, June 16, 2014

Spoiler 128: Marina and Vanessa fight with 'pulled hair and scratches'

The long awaited kiss between Clara and Marina only happens at the end of "Em Familia" - which ends on 18 July - but the photographer appears in a controversy scene. In the following chapters, Marina and Vanessa will have a big fight. The two will exchange physical assaults. In the text, the author Manoel Carlos explains how he hopes that the sequence is produced.

- "They'll make a real fight of women, as are caricatured for centuries: with pulled hair, scratches, etc.. a pandemonium" he writes in chapter received by the cast.

In the story, Marina and Vanessa discussing because of money. Marina complains to her business partner of having to keep doing certain types of photos.

- "You never said you would not do this kind of work! You spoke just would rather not do," says Vanessa.

Marina explodes:

- "Did I need to be more explicit? My God, Vanessa! You're lowering me puts me to photograph people who aren't important - to win a crappy money don't pay a glass of ordinary sparkling!".

Vanessa talks that they're recovering financially with the money that Branca invested in the studio and she snubs, thinking they don't need.

- "If we are recovering this money, why I have to keep making sacrifices?" asks Marina.

- "Because we're paying the debts that you are gaining. This is to maintain our day-to-day: What we eat, for example," explains Vanessa.

The discussion gets hot and Marina says that an artist is not a professional either.

- "How I don't notice if I did make you a photographer? When I met you, you were just a simple photographer! Nor was the best!" Mocks Vanessa.

The photographer calls her friend pretentious and Vanessa retaliates saying that Marina is ungrateful.

- "You didn't make me any crap. You explored me! I made you my business partner! Half and half - and what you do?" asks Marina, screaming.

Vanessa then gets angry.

- "Ungrateful thousand times. Everything I got here, on fat years, was right here that I left to pay for your laziness and your champagne. And for what? To nothing! All you do is run after her who don't want you and is fool you to see if you give up!"says Vanessa, provocatively, before Marina throws herself for her.

Dirty with their torn clothes, the two are separated by Clara and Flavinha. Clara takes care of her girlfriend, who will appear with bruises in the following scenes.

[Original text in:]

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