Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Spoiler 106: Clara lies to Cadu to be with Marina

Husband suspects and thwarts the plans of wife 

Cadu and Ivan enjoying the family moment and are interrupted by Clara, who wants to leave the house. She wants to go to the bazaar of Marina, but lies talking she need to go to the Cultural Shed, which makes her husband suspicious. "Great, I'll also ... It is always good to take a look at the bistro. Any problem for you?" Asks Cadu. And now? Clara's plans were frustrated!

Don't miss the scene, which is scheduled to air on Tuesday, June 3.

[Original text in: http://gshow.globo.com/novelas/em-familia/vem-por-ai/noticia/2014/06/clara-mente-para-cadu-para-estar-com-marina.html]

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