Monday, June 2, 2014

Spoiler 105: Unofficial spoiler

Clara divorces Cadu and assumes Marina, but no kissing 

Marina and Clara will finally become a couple in the soap opera of Globo. Em Familia will have a passage of time from a few months in June 11. Cadu will leave the house, putting an end to their marriage. No kissing on the mouth, Clara and the photographer will arise on the scene walking hand in hand, like two girlfriends, and already talking about moving in together so Ivan accepts their relationship.

Cadu will take the initiative to separate after seeing the woman in the mood for romance with Marina in the Cultural Shed. Hurt and feeling exposed in front of everyone, he takes Clara by the arm and says that he realizes that she has made her decision.

- " I waited until today because I love you. And I never imagined we would thus end so melancholy way. But if you don't have courage to take your choices and be honest with yourself, I do for both of us: I'm done. I'm out! Our marriage ends here!" tells the chef.

Clara will take a walk and be found by Marina crying and  sobbing. At the time the photographer console her, Cadu appears and will throw his point of views in the face of rival.

- "You can continue. I don't want to mess up the love scene of the two. You are really cynical! You hit on my wife in my face, in front of everyone since we met" he will shout and Clara will stand between the two.

The Chica's daughter will make it clear that the failure of their relationship is not the responsibility of Marina and the marriage was no longer good for a long time. Outraged, the chef will turn Marina and say:

- "I just don't put my hand in your face because I don't hit a woman. Because if you were a man, that's exactly what you deserved. "

Even after the confusion, the farewell of Cadu when he leaves home to stay in a hotel will be exciting. He will explain to Ivan who he is separated from Clara, but will not put the child aganist his mother.

Assuming the romance

The author Manoel Carlos wrote two scenes that show the path that Clara wish to follow. The character appears alone on a beach, thoughtfully.

- "This time has been very good to understand who I really am. And I'm full of certainties, without any certainty" She will reflect.

Then Marina will receive an email from the beloved and will read the message with watery eyes.

- "I began to understand, finally, that I am the proud owner of my own story. What a responsibility! I can't run, I have no right to do this to myself, you know? It's time to turn all fear at risk. Because without love, nothing worth."

First scene together

The passage of time will be punctuated by pregnancy of Juliana posing to a photo of her belly. On the click, the novel jumps in time a few months, without making it clear how much time passed. The housewife will be well paunchy, with six months of pregnancy.

Clara appears on the scene with Ivan at home, suggesting make a food he likes to invite Marina for dinner. The boy didn't react well, pretend not to hear what his mother proposes. Then Clara and Marina will appear in the outher scene walked together, hand in hand, like two girlfriends around the pool of the photographer's mansion.

- "Sometimes I think: 'what if we found a nice little place for both of us?' A smaller place? Do you think this is crazy? " Clara says.

- "Are you serious?", asks Marina.

- "I always think about it. Once Ivan is more integrated with us, I really want to share my life with you. Don't you?".

- "Of course! I can't wait for it. Will be the happiest day of my life", respond Marina.

- "Of our lives," asserts Clara, embracing Marina.

The consolidation of the love between the two female characters should end up the complaints about the delay in this homo-affective relationship happens in the soap opera. In social networks, the public has very criticized the delay in the development of the romance between Clara and Marina.

[Original text in:]

[Note by Bia]
"Hello all 
although this text presenting beautiful scenes with the couple Clara and Marina, I must say that I am disgusted with the neglect that the writer and broadcaster of TV show to us. 

I need to be clear that these news are not official, but represent a possibility that is not pleasing the fans. I feel as if the Globo wanted to silence us by giving us something to see and be content with so little. 

Starting this week, fans of Clarina will hold virtual protest against persistent prejudice shown in the novel. 

Treating this couple in different way from heterosexual couples is a very ugly and poorly disguised form of prejudice and we will not tolerate it."

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