Thursday, May 22, 2014

Vanessa can't forget Marina and Maria Eduarda Carvalho twists for a romance

The game of love has been cruel to Vanessa (Maria Eduarda de Carvalho), intended to desiring Marina, receiving in exchange a loose feeling too much to satisfy her. It's her bad picture scene. Of the photographer of "Em Familia" the redhead has only a picture, that she covets, hopeful and deluded. The caresses without end, however, belongs to the rival, Clara. For her, just waiting. And she waits. 

- I think this type of relationship happens a lot in real life. Neither one wants to drop the bone. While one nourishes a strong hope for another, the other not fully demonstrates not want her. It's funny because the audience always comes on the street tell me that it's time for Vanessa  to abandon her feelings for Marina (laughs). As I play Vanessa, I always feather my own nest. I'm hoping that a bigger story happening between them, that Marina sees a true love for Vanessa - underscores Maria Eduarda. 

In the following chapters, the two dance together to a music of Cole Porter. It's almost a test of a romance - with a delicate detail of Marina resting her head on colleague and closing his eyes. The assistant asks: "Do you really loved me, not loved?". "I still really love you", provokes the photographer when the redhead rambles: "I think our love will never end." The commitment and delivery is real, however, they still seem distant. 

- The scenes, we saw that Vanessa may have had other stories, including having been with a man. But, in my point of view, she found herself like gay woman with Marina, so perhaps this fixation, obsession, understanding that she is the great love of her life - analyzes the actress, who dismisses any taboo related to homosexual development: 

- It's a love story. The fact that she not be matched is very difficult for me because I'm very different. But the fact that she was in love with a woman, and not by a man, is not an issue. 

With good humor, the actress says the only woman she is in love is her daughter, Luisa, 3 years. Well settled in real life and in art, she sees the route of her character with the required naturalness and extended perception to talk about a possible lesbian kiss. 

- If heterosexual relationships have hugs and kisses, why homosexual relationships have with all this fanfare? - Maria Eduarda questions, understanding that this is a thought of a few.

- I'm hoping that things are more transparent! On the street, yet I notice a lot of prejudice. People unfortunately not digest it as something natural. 

For the role, she came to talk to other women in love with another women, but is quick to take of the label for that shoe box: 

- I talked to some friends about the issue of jealousy. I don't believe that gay love is a form and straight love is otherwise.  I did not hold on to it. 

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