Friday, May 23, 2014

Spoiler # 87

Marina will press Clara on romantic dinner: 'When we'll love ourselves'?

Marina will press Clara the next chapters of "Em Familia". The photographer will invite her assistant for a romantic dinner and asks when they will finally be together.

Marina promises to cook and Clara gets excited loving the idea:

- You? In the kitchen? I don't miss it for nothing in the world! Of course I accept! I miss you. I'll leave cultural shed and go straight to there.

Marina will create a very romantic environment and pretends that prepared a sophisticated menu. She will offer Clara a spaghetti with tomato sauce, with the face of mockery and waits for the reaction of the guest. Clara soon understands and enters into the joke:

- How did you discover that crummy pasta was my favorite food?

The two fall into laughter and embrace.

- Millions of excuses, Clarinha. I started cooking a lobster with the book side, following the recipe properly, but went bad, it became horrible, I could neither prove. And then, not to lose the night, I did the only dish I know.

They continue having fun with the situation, until the photographer will press Clara :

- When Clarinha? When we'll be together for real? When we'll love ourselves?

Housewife explains being very tricky to handle the situation:

- I'm not thinking it's easy for you, but anyway, you don't have to answer to anyone. Vanessa snake, I know, she is not conformed to lose you, but it's different from a husband and a son.

The photographer will be comprehensive and the conversation continues. Until Clara warns that needs to go away, leaving Marina discouraged.

[Original text in:]

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