Sunday, May 18, 2014

Spoiler # 79

# Marina asks Clara decide whether to stay with her or Cadu #

[Original text in:]

After having gone through the scare by the heart transplant of Cadu, Clara is at an impasse in the novel "Em Familia". In love with her helper, Marina has always been very understanding and contented with only "half" of the beloved, but in the chapter that will air on May 27, the photographer asks Clara to decide which of the two she wants.

Despite being very close, Clara and Marina didn't reach even kissing, but in the words spoken by the artist herself when she tried to pull away from Clara, "She can no longer live with the presence of absence of her love." Therefore, the artist begins to invest more directly in the conquest and takes a chence on Giselle's party to try to get out of there with the housewife, but Vanessa appears and interrupts.

At home, Clara returns to discuss with her husband because of Marina, which shows that the marriage crisis continues. The photographer, in turn, is grappling with financial problems that has faced since her father stopped sending the allowance she used to receive. Then Marina decides to go to London in an attempt to capitalize on the work internationally, and calls Helen's sister to go along.

For some chapters Clara continues indecisive, because as she told her mother in a frank conversation, she love them both equally and can't give up one to have the other one . But Marina is no longer willing to wait. In a conversation with the assistant, the photographer says that Clara will have to decide whether to live this story with her ​​or stay married to Cadu. Besides the difficult choice she must make, the mother of Ivan will still have to deal with the jealousy she feels about Silvia, who have finished her engagement with Gabriel.

(For Samyta Nunes)

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7 comentários :

Anonymous said...

Sigh, Clara...stop breaking Marina's heart. If you choose Marina, you'll only crush Cadu's heart (pun intended) but if you choose him over Marina, think of the hearts all over the globe that you'll be breaking. Man, that sucks big time.

Unknown said...

It's a fair account. LOL
But seriously. It's a very complicated situation and Clara gets even more complicated every day.

Anonymous said...

When will this episode air? Thx :)

Unknown said...

I don't know yet. :(

Anonymous said...

Greetings from Germany.

Unknown said...

As Clarinatics say here in Brazil, "rest quiet because there will be the World Cup" (translation: Clarina will happen). It is a slang that we create to say, by leaps and bounds, it will happen

Anonymous said...

Haha this is amazing! Love it :) I am also very excited for the World Cup...But even more for Clarina to finally do that thing ;)