Sunday, May 18, 2014

Spoiler # 78

# Because of Clara? Marina drive Vanessa nuts when dismisses an international exhibition #

[Original text in:]

Always trying to lift the mood and hold accounts of Marina's studio, Vanessa gets a space for the photographer at an international exhibition and runs to tell the news. However, the artist frustrates the assistant: "I don't know if it's the right time, I don't have a mind to look at an exhibition of this size." 

Outraged by the response, the redhead attacks and says the opportunity is a must. But nothing changes the mind of Marina, who don't gets irritate herself and even gives a affection. "I loved the initiative, Vanessinha. Thank so much. You'll get a kiss, of course". Is that enough? Does the photographer is not mind for traveling or staying away from Clara? 

Stay tuned and don't miss the scene, which is scheduled to air on Monday, May 19.

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