Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Spoiler # 38

# Clara ends her relation with Marina to take care of her husband #

[Original text in:]

After reconciling with Cadu , Clara will put an end to the platonic relationship it maintains with Marina . In sequence predicted to air next week in "Em Familia", Clara will tell to Marina that can not "abandon Cadu" who is sick and you risk having to undergo a heart transplant.

The talk will take place shortly after Clara had a torrid night of love with Cadu. He proposes to renew the marriage vows. The turnaround in the family does not mean the end of love story for Clara and Marina, but can function as a test. Research done by the Globe showed that viewers not entirely repel the lesbian couple, but are hoping the character of Giovanna Antonelli stay with her husband and preserve the family .

In conversation with Marina, Clara will expose your concern Cadu . The photographer reassures her , saying transplantation remains the last option given by medical Silvia. "Everyone tells me this, but it is not easy to hear that word without feeling a chill down your spine. Cadu is not right, this is killing me", desabafará Clara.

"Do you like him much, huh?", asks Marina , giving room for a yes and an end: "I do not want you to think I 'm kidding you, Marina. Everything we lived here was true and very important to me . I rediscoved myself as a woman. Want you to understand my motives. I can not abandon Cadu".

Marina talk that is not charging anything and that is not an exclusive one. "Love and ownership are two feelings that do not match" answer. Clara will find grace and draw the photographer of "modern".

Then Clara will vent with Juliana. The aunt advises her niece to stay with Marina." If I defended Jairo in my life , why you can not play the love for another woman?" She asks." I still love Cadu . It may even be a different feeling now. But it's still love. He's so sick, needing me... I am so moved," replied Clara.

Juliana finally encourage Clara to experience a sexual relationship with the photographer. The assistant photographer repels the idea: "You want me to betray my husband?". says Clara. Juliana says:" You betrayed thousand times in thought . You have made in your head. Do it right! with the whole body. And one thing you at least solves: the doubt ."

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