# Tension! Clara faces Vanessa jealous of the Marina with rival #
[Expected to be broadcast on April 23]
[Original text in: http://gshow.globo.com/novelas/em-familia/vem-por-ai/noticia/2014/04/clara-enfrenta-vanessa-ao-sentir-ciume-de-marina-com-a-rival.html]
Vanessa gets angry to see that Clara is not liking the intimacy between them and exaggerates in caresses and games in the pool. "We will not let anyone or Clara understand our situation. Least until we get out on the street selling our clothes," suggests Vanessa interested in leaving Clara oblivious to everything.
Vanessa provokes Clara saying she is jealous. "Make no mistake. She seems to belong to you at this time. She sometimes seem to belong to everyone, but she belongs to no one. You'll learn this gradually," says the redhead.
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