Friday, April 4, 2014

Spoiler # 13

# After confusion, Marina and Veronica together close a deal #

Decided to close new partnerships for the Cultural Shed, Veronica (Helena Ranaldi) decides to make a visit to the Marina. Upon arriving at the home of photographer, Vanessa is confused and thinks she is more of a model that works in the studio and asks Veronica undressing herself. "There was a problem with your underwear?" shoots. 

Friendly as always, the regent thinks it's amused and tries to explain why she was there. Then Clara appears and explains the whole situation, presenting Veronica to Marina . 

"You're not a model? Oh people! And here I am sending you undress. What horrors! ... I apologize ..." says Vanessa, embarrassed. 

They begin then to talk business. The musician explains the design of the shed and asks the photographer about the possibility of her doing some photos for the site of artistic space. 

Marina likes the idea and even offers to teach photography classes in place. 

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