Sunday, July 20, 2014

Website - Marina Meirelles

Hello everyone

for those who are already missing the couple Clarina (like me), I leave a tip:

Globo Tv produced a exclusive site for Marina, where we can see all the pictures taken by her, as well as learn more about the history of the character.

Click on the link to be directed to the website: Website Marina Meirelles

Marina's Biography

Marina Meirelles became interested in photography and the visual arts too young, after a trip to Asia during her adolescence. Despite having had many influences such as Frida Kahlo, Patti Smith and Marina Abramovic, soon found her own way, by printing a unique style.

"I like to photograph women because I think each of them has a different story to tell. I identify with them. I feel that every photo, in every detail of framing I show the inner wealth of each." Explains Marina.

Her photos show naked women of vanity, of judgment, of fear, of any ties. Beauty is not in the standard fashion, but the peculiarity of each of them, the stories they carry, the inspiration they bring.

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5 comentários :

Unknown said...

Hey thank you. I am still checking your page every day. Cant believe the story line is over :( .

Unknown said...

Hello my friend
I also can not believe it's over. We are all sad and wistful. Everyday I try something new to post here. I'll post some addresses of fan clubs for people who want to connect with other fans, ok? To decrease the nostalgia, fan clubs are promoting marathons of videos and comments. Maybe some of you are interested in participating. I know they are in Portuguese but we always find a way to understand each other and share experiences. kisses for you.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much :) . I will keep on checking your page every day!

Astx said...

Am I alone still looking here in 2016? <3

Anonymous said...

No, you're not alone, Astx. The thing is... I "discovered" "Em familia" --and Marina-- a month ago. In a few days I watched every video that sums Marina and Clara's story. I really loved their story!! After a month of watching their videos till 3.00 or 4.00 am, I miss them so!!! Amazing to think that this story developed and finished 2 years ago. Regards!!!!