Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Spoiler 159: Latest Chapters: Tension precedes marriage of Clara and Marina

Before the ceremony, the photographer's father announces that he'll make a revelation

The marriage of Clara and Marina nears, but the news of Diogo will bring tension to the moment. In the next chapters of Em Familia, the photographer will receive a visit from his father who arrives vibrant with what is happening to his daughter. Soon after, however, he'll make a disturbing revelation:

- "I have hot news to tell but I'll say after the ceremony. We wont  lose focus!".

What Diogo will talk to his daughter? Don't miss this scene, which will air next week, the last in Em Familia!

[Original text in:]

Note of Bia

What do you think Diogo will tell them?
Will he say that he is rich again and will gift to them the home of Angra dos Reis?

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5 comentários :

Anonymous said...

Thank you so for your English Spoilers. I was wondering if you know when the show returns after summer break?

Unknown said...

Hello, Anonymous
I believe you do not know well the Brazilian soap operas. The final is definitive. In 18th of this month the telenovela ends completely. There is no summer break. It's a shame, but true. We will miss this story.

Kisses for you

Anonymous said...

I don't want 18th to come! *sniffs*

Marg said...

Exactly Latin and Brazilian soap operas does not have season, it just ends for good. I think that they like to see something new, new love, new history and we - rest of the world - like and attach to our tv shows, to characters.

Anonymous said...

O no that's it! What a great story your right. Thank you so much for helping me understand it. I visit your site daily. I will miss you too.