Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Spoiler 156: Cadu conversation with Clara after hearing Ivan saying that his mother is dating Marina

In the soap opera "Em Familia" the natural way that Ivan dealt with the relationship between Clara and Marina makes Cadu look for his ex-wife to talk:

- "What scared me was, as objectively, Ivan told me that you and Marina are dating," he says

Clara agrees with the chef, saying she was also surprised with the situation:

- "I never got to tell him anything about that in these terms. But I said to him that Marina occupied an important place in my heart. I said she would be part of our life now."

- "What I want to know, Clara, is whether Ivan sees you two together. Together in a way that he can understand what is a dating" he asks.

- "Do you're talking about kissing, embracing, affection?" says Clara, interrupted by ex-husband.

- "You can spare me the details, please."

She is amused with the commentary:

- "Stay calm, Cadu. Even though I was dating a man I would care to not be kissing and making out with him in front of my son eight years old."

- "Great. It was exactly what I was gonna ask you: watch this closeness between you two when Ivan is near. You can't find that this thing is so simple" says Cadu.

Clara explains her situation:

- "My measure to deal with all this is myself. I'm still understand me as a separate woman as Marina's girlfriend, as a mother who will arrive at school parties with a woman, not a man. Do you think it's easy? No it isn't. It's a process until everything is or looks natural. It is not easy for me. I would never force a hurry in the understanding of Ivan."

Cadu smiled at her, affectionate, and demonstrates confidence in the mother of Ivan:

- "I admire your courage. My concern is because I also have difficulties to handle it all. But I trust you. I wanna work with you our schedules with Ivan. I will make a room for him at home. I think now I can spend more time with him, share more with you as we agreed when opted for shared custody."

She has fun with the comment:

- "Oh my God. Now it was serious. My son has a stepmother and a room in the house of stepmother. Wow "

Cadu enters the game, also very excited:

- "Not only one stepmother... two! Do you tryin to rid Marina of  this? I want equal rights and duties, for aVeronica and for her."

The two laugh at the situation.

[Original text in: http://extra.globo.com/tv-e-lazer/em-familia-cadu-conversa-com-clara-apos-ouvir-ivan-dizer-que-mae-namora-marina-13173121.html]

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