Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Giovanna Antonelli and Taina Müller staging wedding of Clara and Marina

Actresses run scenes of the great day of their characters 

The last week of recordings in Em Famlia is in full swing. On Monday, July 14, Giovanna Antonelli and Taina Muller ran the wedding scenes of Clare and Marina. Always very integrated, the actresses showed that friendship goes beyond the characters and posed together for a selfie.

The director Leonardo Nogueira (Giovanana's husband) was responsible for designing all sequence written by Manoel Carlos and with great enthusiasm, he guided the actresses and the entire cast.

Who will not be happy in this sequence is Vanessa, but Maria Eduarda Carvalho and Luisa Moraes is pure concentration at the time of the director's instructions.

Bruno Gissoni, Polliana Aleixo and Marcello Melo Jr. are also enjoying the recordings. They took a break to do funny poses in the scenario.

[Original text in: http://gshow.globo.com/novelas/em-familia/extras/noticia/2014/07/giovanna-antonelli-e-taina-muller-gravam-casamento-de-clara-e-marina.html]

1 comentários :

Unknown said...

Hi I love it both best wonderful and good show action true life lesbain mmwa fan