Saturday, July 19, 2014

Contact Globo - Tai & Gio

Hi folks!

Some people asked me to post some form of contact with Globo TV and actresses Giovanna Antonelli and Taina Muller.

While the actresses are very social people, it is very difficult for them to see and respond virtual messages due to the high amount they receive daily. The safest way to ensure they read your message is via letters sent to Globo TV (on behalf of the actresses) or to the agencies that represent them.

Follow the ways that I have found below.

Globo contacts:

Globo Production Center - PROJAC
Phone: +55 21 2444-4000
Adress: Estrada dos Bandeirantes, 6900, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil. CEP: 22.780-086

Twitter: @RedeGlobo 

CAT – TV Viewer Center:

Tainá Müller contacts

Company that works as agent of the actress: FERNANDA RIBAS PRODUÇÕES ARTÍSTICAS

Adress: Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 90 - Sala 202 B - Gávea - RJ - Brasil. CEP 22451-040 
Phones: (+55 21) 2511-6135 / 2540-5665

Tainá's twitter: @tainamuller

Tainá's Instagram: tainamuller

Giovanna Antonelli contacts

Giovanna's twitter: @gio_antonelli

Giovanna's Instagram: gioanto

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