Friday, June 27, 2014

Spoiler 147: Marina asks Clara to marry

The photographer surprises her beloved with a wedding ring and formalizes the love of the two 

All Marina wants is to formalize her love for Clara. To do so, the photographer buys a wedding ring and gives the gift to her girlfriend, who is surprised and happy. In a scene with much romance in the studio, Marina asks Clara use the ring on the right hand and shows an equal in her own finger.

Vanessa tries to ruin the moment, showing up on time and makes sarcastic comments. After Vanessa leave the studio, Marina says the girlfriend who she would love to invite the ex-girlfriend to be the godmother of them. Only then Clara realizes it's actually a formal request for marriage. She vibrates with emotion and accepts without hesitation.

Don't miss this scene full of romanticism, scheduled to air on Monday, June 30.

[Original text in:]

4 comentários :

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! im so excited the marriage proposal is going to happen on monday & then sealed with a kiss wow!!! its a big day.

Unknown said...

wow... where is the fight between vanessa and Clara?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

bellissimo..clarinia per sempre...chi pensa che questo uccide famigli si sbaglia e di tanto,le famiglie cari brasiliani si sfasciano per vielenze di uomini violenti,tradimenti ecc non certo per colpa di gay ho lesbiche..aprite gli occhi brasiliani,,,accettate violenza, omicidi,pedofili,date razazzine a turisti, e va bene vero,viva argentina,messico,cile ecc,ed europa che conbattono omofobia,non come rovinate la storia d'amore di clarina bè non capite un cavolo.....