One more fight between women will stir the next chapters of "Em Familia": this time, Vanessa drinks beyond measure and pulls the Clara's hair at the inauguration of photo exhibition of Marina. The confusion will increase slowly, drawing the attention of the guests.
- Ouch! What's that? Are you crazy? - Clara reacts to being attacked by Vanessa.
- I'm crazy to give you a good slapping, that is what you deserve! Clarinha the wolf in sheep's clothing!
- Respect me! You're jealous, unloved!
- Ha-ha-ha! You never bothered to respect! You have cooked Marina in a water bath for a long time! Gloated! You did a spell, Mandingo, who knows what else! Everything to take her from me! I hate you, I hate!
Marina asks Vanessa to control herself because that is an important night, but Vanessa will increase the tone of voice, oblivious to the orders of the ex-girlfriend.
- Everyone needs to know it was me who should be in that picture with you! I do! Not she, who arrived yesterday in your life! - Vanessa says, referring to the image of Clara and Marina which will be part of the exhibition about couples.
- Patience has limits, Marina! I'll not put up with it! My son and my whole family are here! - Clara will tell.
- Leave her with the little family, Marina. Stay with me. I love you! l live for you! I'm crazy about you!
Flavinha tries to contain Vanessa, but she departs from her, loses the balance and bumps into a waiter.
- If that scene was to get my attention, it has no avail. I'm ashamed of you! - Marina say while Vanessa falls in whimper drunk.
The next day, Vanessa apologizes to Marina for ruining your party and ignores Clara. Marina doesn't give attention to Vanessa and Clara completes:
- We have to celebrate that the confusion had not been publicized. Nothing came out on any website or newspaper. It could be very bad for the image of Marina if your vexation turned news ... But my Holy is strong! Protected us!
- So be it! What didn't go as planned, don't need to be reminded! - Marina says.
[Original text in:]
2 comentários :
When will this on air? Next week ?
I don't know, my friend. But I'm dying to see this LOL
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