Clara and Marina will be the victims of prejudice in the soap opera "Em Familia". A man will flirt with Clara in a bar and be rude to realize that she and the photographer are lesbians. The three will discuss.
- "I'll make an official complaint. This place is not gay and can't be patronized by anyone. Dykes aren't welcome here " says the injured seductive.
Indignant, the sister of Helena will throw a glass of champagne in the face of the rude client. The confusion will draw the attention of customers, and Clara leaves the place calling the man a bigot and a coward. This sequence is scheduled to air on 4th of July.
Everything starts with the ex-wife Cadu alone at a table waiting for the girlfriend. She will get a glass of champagne offered by a gentleman. Then Marina arrives and makes a visible affection on her girlfriend.
- "Wow! Drinking champagne? I'll order a glass to accompany you, " says the photographer.
- "Wait. I didn't ask anything. The clueless guy of the table in front sent me this, "Clara answer and will ask Marina to use her good humor to dispatch the subject, who will approach them.
- "I came to say I made a mistake ... I get it what the two of you are. Are you the man in that relationship? Did you arrived to defend the helpless girl? " provokes the man.
- "It's better you go back to your desk, before I call the manager," warns Clara.
- "Who will call the manager here it's me. I'll make an official complaint. This place is not gayand can't be patronized by anyone. Dykes are not welcome here, " say the homophobic, before Clara turning the glass of champagne in his face.
- "Idiot! Who this asshole thinks he is to speak like that? Coward! Prejudiced" scream the housewife, already being calmed by the photographer.
[Original text in:]
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