Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Spoiler 121: Cadu puts an end to the marriage with Clara

Chef explodes after seeing the care of women with Marina in Shed

Cadu has reached his limit! After seeing Clara and Marina in the biggest cuddle, the chef explodes with his wife and finishes their marriage in the middle of Cultural Shed.

- "I waited until today because I love you. And I never imagined we would thus end so melancholy way. But if you don't have courage to take your choices and be honest with yourself, I do for both of us: I'm done. I'm out! Our marriage ends here!" decrees Cadu. What blow, hum, Clara?

Decided Cadu says he's going to leave home and go to a hotel. Clara is frightened by the sudden decision and says they can continue to live a time under the same roof, but the chef is adamant and gives no heed to the now ex-wife. What stage!

Don't miss this shack, which is scheduled to air on Wednesday, June 11.

[Original text in:]

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