Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Spoiler 108: Marina puts Clara against the wall and asks when they're going to love themself

Photographer presses during a special dinner prepared for the beloved 

Marina invites Clara for a romantic dinner. The assistant, of course, accepted and, upon arriving, is welcomed by Marina with a pasta dish that she prepared. Both enjoy the skills of the photographer in the kitchen until, at a certain moment, Marina puts Clara against the wall and asks when they will be together and will love themself. (note by Bia: I think it's about sex, but not even a kiss Clara liberated. I think Marina drank too much to ask such a thing or is dreaming too)

Marina is disappointed and doesn't want to see Clara go

Clara, however, keeps stalling the photographer and says it's all very difficult for her, especially because Cadu and Ivan.

Don't miss the scene, which is scheduled to air on Wednesday, June 4.

[Original text in:]

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