Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Taina Müller: 'Marina don't believe that is destroying a family'

The triangle involving Marina, Clara and Cadu moves social networks. The interpreter of the photographer avoids taking sides and says that the discussion about the direction of the story lies with the viewers:

- Marina certainly not believed to be destroying a family, because Clara and her are two adult persons with full power of decision. From her perspective, it's natural the person in love to woo when is matched. Of course the point of view of Cadu is another, but that is precisely what moves any story: the conflict. Without conflict there is no drama. As for me, I leave it to the public discussion of the values ​​of character.

Taina believes Marina "is truly in love, perhaps as never before in her life" contrary to what Vanessa insists . About homosexual relationships, the actress says the country still has a lot to improve when it comes to equality and social inclusion:

- But I believe that with the strengthening of social bonds through the virtual world, the trend is increasingly tolerance of diversity.

Taina accounts that also hasn't heard prejudiced comments from the public:

- That was something that surprised me. I thought the polarity generated by the subject could reach over to me. But I got so much love and respect both on social networks and on the street. I believe that this story was never intended unanimity. We can't forget that the nuisance has its value, simply because it makes thinking. Life is full of contradictions and ethical dilemmas, and the function of fiction is framing them, put them on display. Only, since the development of these conflicts, it's when we change. And even when the resistance is more conservative, the society is constantly changing.

[Original text in:]

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