Saturday, May 24, 2014

Spoiler 90: Clara declares all desire to be with Marina: 'I want as much as you'

After a surprise visit, Clara says she needs to go home, but makes clear the desire to see the photographer soon

The climate of romance between Clara and Marina seems to have no end. The two ladys are having fun in the studio, when, unintentionally, the photographer breaks a bottle. The noise makes Vanessa and Flavinha wake up. And, of course, the redhead doesn't waste the opportunity to face the rival face to face.

While Marina searches another bottle, Vanessa provokes. "Already readying night? Sign that hubby improved?" shoots. Clara is undeterred and says Cadu is improving. The two say ironies at each other until they are interrupted by the return of photographer.

Clara takes the moment to say she needs to go home to be with her ​​son and husband. The photographer asks for a hug to the woman and says thought she would sleep in the studio. Clara explains that she can't stand, and Marina question, then, when they will meet again. "As soon as possible. Believe me, Marina, I want as much as you" says Clara.

Stay tuned and don't miss the scene, which is scheduled to air on Saturday, May 24.

[Original text in:]

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4 comentários :

Simona said...

But when will be this on air ?

Unknown said...

well, this photo belongs to the continuation of the scene yesterday (Saturday), then it is correct to state that opens tomorrow's chapter (Monday).

Unknown said...

Thank u :)

Unknown said...

These is one of the best love stories that I have seen. Love the actresses their chemistry beautiful.

I wish that this telenovela can be given in Telemundo with all of the actors. A job very well done.

I will miss it. I have watched more times that I am willing to say.