Good bye, Clara? Marina declares love for Vanessa: 'I still love you truly'
Lately, Vanessa's shoulders have been the wailing wall of Marina. The photographer, misses Clara, questions herself whether the wife of Cadu is walking away from her. Faced with this question, the helper goes straight to the point and says that, in fact, she wants nothing to do with her boss.
Marina disagrees and says that the beloved is just scared, but knows that their love is too strong.
- "She knows she isn't going to run long, she knows that one day will have to face it" Marina says.
To the sound of romantic music, the photographer still remember Clara, but the assistant cuts the moment and recalls her moments with Marina, and flame her to dancing.
With the atmosphere of intimacy, and romance in the air, Vanessa takes her chance and asks good question: "Do you really loved me, don't you?". And the photographer replies, "I still love you truly."
Did Clara is getting left behind in this story? Don't miss the scene, which is scheduled to air on Thursday, May 22.
Original text in:]
1 comentários :
Hmm...not sure if I like this scene but Marina shouldn't be toying with Vanessa's feelings if she has none for the latter. Marina should draw the clear line btwn gf & bf. She should stop sending body language to her, otherwise Vanessa will never move on. Besides, Vanessa is too obsessive. Gives me the creeps. IDK. Just my opinion.
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