Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Spoiler # 83

Romance in check! Marina has love for Clara questioned: 'She's worth the sacrifice?'

Diogo is concerned with Marina, because he never saw her daughter suffering so much. He tries to encourage her to accept the exhibition in London, but receives as response a need to give more attention to personal life. Therefore, Diogo gets even more afraid.

"You really think this girl is worth the sacrifice?" He asks, referring to Clara. Marina explains for her dad who believes she can live a love that 'makes you happy' with the assistant. "You're acting like a romantic girl, giving up the profession, waiting for the enchanted princess" says Diogo.

The photographer insists in the romance with Clara. It's when the father talks about Cadu. "I met the husband of the lady. A nice man, good looking. She didn't seem to be bothered by his side" argues Diogo. But Marina has the right answer: "Who said I'm jealous?".

Will this love triangle will be formed? Stay tuned and don't miss the scene, which is scheduled to air on Wednesday, May 21.

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4 comentários :

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Clara knows how lucky she is considering all the sacrifices that Marina has made.

maguy said...

No, she is not aware of it. Otherwise, Clara would have insisted on Marina to go to London.

Unknown said...

I believe the two will still talk about London. There is a twisted so they go together

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to knock some sense into Clara's head :P I'm beginning to lose faith in Clarina with the slooowwww progress of their relationship.