Saturday, May 17, 2014

Spoiler # 75

# Clara and Cadu decide to separate #

[Original text in:]

Cadu and Clara decide to separate in the next chapters of "Em Familia". After the woman lying about a date with Marina, the entrepreneur will explode and says he want to end the marriage. He still threaten to take Ivan though.

The confusion begins when Clara goes to studio to see the photographer. She will get dirty with ink and need to wash her hands. But she forgets the wedding ring over the sink the toilet .

Marina and Vanessa will find the ring and keep it. The ex-girlfriend of the photographer decides to warn Clara, but she can't speak to her by cellphone and call to her house. Cadu answer while his woman is in the shower and discovers about the studio visit.

When the housewife appears in the room, the entrepreneur will asks about the wedding ring. Clara answer that forgotten over the sink . Cadu ask where it happened and the mother of Ivan lies :

- In the Cultural Shed. I don't left there all day.

Cadu will be full of hatred and attacks Clara:

- You went to the Marina's studio. That doesn't surprise me or scare me. What terrifies me is your chutzpah, your outright lie , your lack of loyalty to me. You hear me? I'm not talking about fidelity, but loyalty. And we've talked about it many times. Fi-de-li-ty! Knave!

- You drove me to it! - She answers.

- So, it's my fault? What did you want? Did you want me applaud my wife for left me, not only me, but our son, our house, our dreams, to shove herself in bed with another woman?

Clara deny having a ralationship with someone else, but Cadu argues that she lacks credibility. The housewife adds that she is so guarded and questioned who was forced to lie.

- I don't guard you, I'm not controlling what you do and what you say. I don't treat you with suspicios. 

That's it!

- Loyalty is staying dating with Silvia during medical visits ? - She shoots.

- You're making this up to apologize, but doesn't work! 

- Don't pretend be a saint because you're not! And with Veronica was the same thing! And now, probably will keep a little romance with two young physiotherapists. It was ever thus. You always took pleasure in exerting your seduction, impress women, ever!

- You're so dishonest, huh? I caught you and you're there, playing the victim! Trying to turn the tables! Not with me!

The discussion will continue heated. At one point, Clara says she want to go out with heads held high:

- Don't think I 'll pack a suitcase and going out. Because who is going to leave is you. If we separate ...

- We will separate! - Cadu interrupts.

- Then, when we separate you will leave here, not me. I stand and our son will stay with me.

The entrepreneur will promise to take the boy with him, but Clara will not be intimidated and says that they should end the fight. But Cadu continues complaining and irritates the woman:

- What was my mistake? What was my sin? Falling in love with another woman? I didn't seek, I didn't rush back. My love for Marina came naturally. As my love for you, when we met. You certainly will not believe this, but I love you both.

He will refuse to hear more details and ends the fight.

2 comentários :

Anonymous said...

Go away, Cadu :P

Unknown said...

I confess that I am somewhat disappointed with this chapter. In my view, it is Clara who should get a divorce, not Cadu. The way the author wrote, Clara lied unnecessarily. Messed her image.