Sunday, May 11, 2014

Spoiler # 65

# Vanessa provokes Marina and suggests she wants a love triangle #

[Original text in:]

The friendship between Marina and Vanessa is increasingly tense. The helper wishes to make clear her displeasure at seeing the photographer passionate by Clara and says he still loves her ex girlfriend. 

The discussion of the two gets more heated and Vanessa shoots in the face of Marina that she feels attraction for what is difficult. She provokes the photographer saying that her real desire was to live a love triangle. "She came here stunning, as you say, and arm in arm with her husband. So you thought "I'll take this woman to me. I'll take of this handsome husband".  I'm sure you must have been dreaming to form a triangle: You, Clara and Cadu. Don't you dreamed of that?" Vanessa questions.

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