# Moment of truth! Cadu presses Clara: 'You stayed with me for love or pity?' #
[Original text in: http://gshow.globo.com/novelas/em-familia/vem-por-ai/noticia/2014/05/hora-da-verdade-cadu-pressiona-clara-ficou-comigo-por-amor-ou-por-pena.html]
Since Cadu discovered he was ill and spent the whole process until heart transplantation, Clara was always by his side. Now in recovery, the chef already feels better, but is still weak and therefore relies on the help of his wife almost full time.
Despite all the dedication of Clara, Cadu is intrigued and decides, once and for all, ask what, in fact, she feels. "Now that all this happened, you stayed with me for love or pity?" He questions. She then is frank with her husband. "You don't need my pity, you deserve my affection, my love," she replies.
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