Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spoiler # 56

# Marina threats Vanessa. 'I turn away from you. From Clara never!' #

[Original text in:]

The fact that Vanessa dies of jealousy of Marina is no secret in the soap opera"Em Familia" . On the chapter on Wednesday (May 7) the two will have another big fight after Vanessa puts Flavinha in the place of Marina when the photographer leaves to go to support Clara in the hospital during the transplantation of Cadu.

When Marina come back in the studio and discovers that his work was executed by Flavinha, Marina is overcome and explodes with Vanessa: "You have to have consulted me. You passed over me, you were authoritarian, irresponsible!". "You should thank me! You didn't need to clear her personal commitment and I still did the money go into your account! Do you want something better than that?" Says Vanessa. 

But the photographer insisted: " I've had to cancel the test, you're my assistant. I did not ask your opinion on what should or should not be done. I gave the order and you should have run, that's it!" .

Vanessa defends herself ironically, saying that Marina always said she prefers to work with those who have initiative. "What you did was not 'to have initiative', You played the sly! It's my name that is at stake. It's my job, that's one of the things I give more value in this world. You think it's simple, Vanessa? Just put my camera in hand and anyone is ready, all settled?" rebukes the photographer. But the redhead is not  intimidated: "It's Impressive your vanity, Marina. Do you think you are the only talented photographer in the world? Irreplaceable and unsurpassed? But know that Flavinha did the job very well done if you had an ounce of humility! Recognize!".

Right now Marina touches the wound ex: "He ran a very high risk disobeying me. And why? All Because of insane jealousy you feel by Clara! Understend one thing once and for all:  I'll never get away from her, you hear me? But I'll get away from you if I need. From her, never!". 

The atmosphere is tense, but Flavinha appears apologizing to the chief and the situation lessens a little. "You are not to blame. Vanessa is your supervisor. You obeyed her orders. You played your role and did well. Their photos were very good, you have talent, you should invest in it." says the professional. Vanessa heads for the exit discreetly , but is intercepted by Marina, who warns : " It's no use to sneak out with scowling. It's best admitting a mistake." Vanessa takes a deep breath and, even grudgingly, gives: "I'm sorry boss ... ".

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