Friday, May 2, 2014

Spoiler # 55

# Emotion! Marina bursts into tears when reading posts by Clara #

[Original text in:]

Clara is in the hospital all the time with her husband, but she don't stop thinking about Marina. The two exchange passionate emails to kill nostalgia. The assistant tells how is the anguish of the treatments and the overwhelming number of tests which the husband passes. 

Marina follows the routine of the beloved and cries with each receiving news of Clara. Even back home, Clara is dedicated to her son, her husband and remains faithful to the emails exchanged with the photographer. 

"I think of you all the time, my dear, and I wish you were here next to me, to help me handle the pressure. But I am confident that everything will work out and we're gonna party all together, this new heart of my beloved", Clara writes in one of his posts. Marina is very touched and moved by every word read.

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