Thursday, May 1, 2014

Spoiler # 51

# Opening the heart! Carla makes frank statement to Marina: 'I'm not playing' #

[Original text in:]

Clara and Marina talk about the disease of Cadu. The photographer tries to reassure the helper until ask: "Do you like him very much, do you?". And now? Clara approaches Marina and begins to explain. "I don't want you to think I'm joking with you, Marina. Whatever we lived here was true and very important to me. It did I rediscover myself as a woman," she says. 

Marina back to reassure her that she is not charging anything. She still speaks of her admiration for Clara and ensures that she is not exclusive. Clara was surprised at the reaction of the photographer. "When I think that I learned everything with you, I'm finding myself supermodern, then you came with more of a novelty," says the assistant. 

However, Marina says that, at the moment, she is worried about her father. The two reverse roles and now Clara is who pulls Marina forward and tries to cheer up her friend.

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