Episode 36
Clara e Marina 36 (Subtitle English) por claraemarina
During a break in the photo section, Gisele is questioned about his relationship with a committed man. Clara reacts by saying that it is best to avoid beco…more information
Episode 35
Clara e Marina 35 (Subtitle English) por claraemarina
In the studio of Marina, Clara claims to have missed the place. Marina gets a call from his father, informing that he will be transferring less money for…more information
Episode 33
Clara e Marina 33 (Subtitle English) por claraemarina
Clara has a conversation with Juliana about her feelings toward women. His aunt is extremely straightforward and asks if Clara is interested in any woman. …more information
Episode 37
Clara e Marina 37 (Subtitle English) por claraemarina
Cadu faints in front of Clara. He is admitted to hospital and tests show that he suffers from a serious heart disease. Clara is worried and calls Marina t…more information
Episode 34
Clara e Marina 34 (Subtitle English) por claraemarina
Clara's brother-in-law, Virgilio (Humberto Martins), asks Marina to take pictures of their exposure. Marina accepts the invitation and says she will do the…more information
Spoiler posted by Bia (Jutibette) Blog co-managed by PhDinRomance
We are not affiliated with the Clara e Marina channel on DailyMotion, nor do we know its manager. However, we appreciate the work done there and only supplement spoiler information to assist viewers who wish to know in advance.
No copyright infringement intended on photos and names of characters and show used on this page.
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