Episode 62
Clara e Marina 62 (English Subtitle) por claraemarina
Cadu recovers after fall ill and Clara says he will call Dr. Silvia. Cadu rejects the idea and asks her not to tell th…more information
Episode 66
Clara e Marina 66 por claraemarina
After receiving a call that a donor was found, Clara helps Cadu prepare to go to the hospital. He has only 30 min to get there. Helena tries to help them. Before…more information
Episode 63
Clara e Marina 63 (English Subtitle) por claraemarina
Cadu is at home because of his tiredness. Even lying down, Cadu feels the effects of his illness. Clara gets worried and calls for Silvia.
A…more information
Episode 64
Clara e Marina 64 por claraemarina
At the hospital, Dr. Silvia says the health state of Cadu is serious and he needs a transplant. Clara gets disoriented and conversation with Silvia. Silvia pres…more information
Episode 61
Clara e Marina 61 por claraemarina
Clara goes to Bistro oversee the husband and says he needs to lower his work rate. Cadu says he understands, but can not sit still and patient . Clara talks to V…more information
Spoiler posted by Bia (Jutibette) Blog co-managed by PhDinRomance
We are not affiliated with the Clara e Marina channel on DailyMotion, nor do we know its manager. However, we appreciate the work done there and only supplement spoiler information to assist viewers who wish to know in advance.
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