Wednesday, May 21, 2014

#ChutaOBaldeClara! Taina Muller enters the joke of web and defends 'Clarina'

In between recordings, actresses pose with theme that spread on social networks. And you? What is your opinion? Vote in the poll! 

Since she came on the scene in the soa opera Em Familia, Taina Müller and Giovanna Antonelli have received great feedback from the public cheering for romance 'Marina and Clara'. Social networks have been powerful tools in the hands of the fans of the couple "Clarina" formed by the initials of a name and the final letters of the name of another. 

One of the topics most recently commented, was "Chuta o balde, Clara" (Translation: "Kick the bucket, Clara"... in Brazil, it's meaning: 'throw everything up in the air') and to show they are tuned with everything that's going on in the virtual world, Taina Muller (Marina), Maria Eduarda de Carvalho Vanessa) and Luisa Moraes (Flavinha), joined in the fun and want to know the opinions of internet users.

Você acha que Clara deve chutar o balde? (Clara must kick the bucket?)
SIM = Yes      NÃO = No

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