Thursday, April 24, 2014

Undersigned "Clarina love without censure"

Hello, folks
We, Brazilians, are proud of the worldwide movement made ​​by fans of Clarina. And to strengthen our struggle, we are conducting a petition in favor of love uncensored in the soap opera "Em Familia".

We invite you to sign and help us to show society that we are strong, we are united and we are warriors for freedom to love without prejudice.

Step 1 -  Click the link:

Step 2 -  Click "Assinar agora" (subscribe now)

Step 3 - Enter "nome e sobrenome" (name and surname)
 - Enter "data de nascimento" (date of birth)
It's not necessary to fill in the other fields of information

Step 4 - Scroll to the fnal of the page and click "assinar " (subscribe)

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