Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Spoiler # 49

# Agony! Clara is desperate when sees Cadu pass out in her arms #

[Original text in:]

Clara and Cadu are living a good time in the relationship and enjoy that Ivan is with her grandmother. The couple enjoys every moment, which makes the chef to declare. "Only when I'm here with you is that I still feel that I have all the time in the world," says Cadu.

However, after kissing the beloved, Cadu is panting and falls into the arms of Clara. She is distraught and lies her husband in bed. Gradually he gets better, and yet, she wants to call Silvia. He prevents her. For completeness, Clara still feels guilty.

Cadu tries to reassure his wife and asks her to go to her mother's home and stay with Ivan. At first, Clara doesn't want to leave him alone, but finally she agrees when  sees that he is already better. "Don't tell everyone there that I'm worthless, leaving you down," he asks.

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