Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Spoiler # 48

# Attack! Vanessa makes romantic dinner for Marina and tries to spend the night with her #

[Original text in: http://gshow.globo.com/novelas/em-familia/vem-por-ai/noticia/2014/04/ataque-vanessa-faz-jantar-romantico-para-marina-e-tenta-passar-a-noite-com-ela.html]

Marina finds stranger entering the studio and to see everything by candlelight until she sees a tidy desk in the center of the space. Don't delay for Vanessa to appear with a bottle of champagne and to show she is talented! With this small gesture of affection, the helper manages to surprise the photographer.

"Do you know what this all reminded me? The first dinner you made for me years ago! I don't forget the menu until today. It made my mouth water!" Marina says.

Vanessa loves the memory of her loved and pop the champagne. "You know.  I'd do anything to see you happy. Let's going up?" Vanessa Invites, malicious, after the toast. However, Marina refuses the proposal and she is sincere with her friend.

"Vanessa, I'm sorry, but I don't want to hurt you. You're wonderful, I wish you all the good in the world, but you know who my heart shall belong," she says, leaving the helper hurt by not being matched.

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