Sunday, April 27, 2014

Spoiler # 45

# Chica realizes atmosphere between Marina and Clara and dislikes it #

[Original text in:]

Chica (Clara's mother) will not like to realize that there is a romantic atmosphere between Marina and Clara. In the next chapters of "Em Familia" the photographer decides to go to the hospital where Cadu is being operated (he will undergo a heart transplant), and Chica notes that there is an interest between the two. Once Marina arrives, she tells Clara that canceled a job to be near her. "I'll stay here by your side until this is all over, ok? I'm not able to do anything, Clarinha.  I canceled the test today. My thought is here with you. My heart also." Marina says.

The photographer gives an affectionate touch in the face of Clara. They look at each other with great affection. And, for the first time, Chica notes an something more of intimacy between the two. Marina distributes chocolates to everyone. "Glad you came to give a strength to your friend... She's even needing affection." Chica says. And Marina says: "If depend on me, Clara will have all the affection of the world." Clara looks Marina tenderly, but tries to disguise because she feels a little embarrassed in front of her mother.
By the time Felipe (Clara's brother) tells the family that everything went well in surgery of Cadu, all rejoice and celebrate. When the family decides to leave, Marina says she will stay with her ??friend. "You may go. I'll stay a little bit with Clara," the photographer says. Chica is slightly disturbed and approaches Marina, discrete, "Well, you know? ... It's best to leave Clara alone for a while. It's easier because only one person is allowed to transit through the CTI and she is exhausted. Maybe she takes a rest now. Tomorrow you talk to her. What you think? "says Chica without leaving anyone else to hear it. Marina understands and gives a disappointed smile, grabs her purse and leaves upset. Clara then realizes what happened.

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