# Cornered! Luiza makes a direct question to Clara: 'Are you divided between Cadu and Marina?' #
[Original text in: http://gshow.globo.com/novelas/em-familia/vem-por-ai/noticia/2014/04/encurralada-luiza-faz-pergunta-direta-para-clara-esta-dividida-entre-cadu-e-marina.html]
Clara gets a ride with Luiza and during the way to work, says the reason for her body being all sore: she slept in Ivan room. Luiza is not surprising, since the aunt had commented that is going through a crisis in her marriage. Clara said she was impressed after Cadu threatened to fight for custody of Ivan. "I don't know yet, but I think I'm ready to separate myself from Cadu, not from Ivan," says Clara.
Luiza asks whether the idea of Clara separates of Cadu is really serious and if there is anyone else involved in this story. Clara is rolled to respond and merely says that can talk better about this on another day. She says goodbye and prepares to get off the car. That's when Luiza shoots the question: "Clara! Are you torn between Cadu and Marina, is not it?".
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